Friday, August 10, 2007

Pantera Sureña

Name Pantera Sureña (Southern Panther)
Real name Lidia Hortencia Rangel Ávalos
Nicknames Panterita (Little Panther), Orquídea Negra (Black Orchid)
Name history Pantera Sureña (debut - ), La Galáctica (AJW, 80s), Lady Discovery (AAA, mid 90s), Lady Metal (98-99), La Galáctica 2000 (ARSION, 99-00)
Trained by: Chato Quezada, Luis Canales, Diablo Velazco
Birth date December 29, 1955 - Guadalajara, Jalisco
Pro Wrestling Debut June 1969 - Mazatlán, Sinaloa
Lost mask to Lola González - 1977 - Pachuca, Hidalgo
Height 5'1"/155 cms
Weight 132 lbs/60 kg
Signature wrestling moves Tope Suicida, Indian Deathlock, German Suplex, Flying Senton
Titles: WWWA World Singles Title, UWA World Women's Wrestling Title, Distrito Federal Women's Wrestling Title, National Women's Tag Team wrestling Titles, with Martha Villalobos.

technorati tags: pro wrestling news,pro wrestling mask,pro wrestling,lucha libre mexicana,lucha libre,lucha,lucha libre mask,wrestling pictures,wrestling masks

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