Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nanyzh Rock - Heavy Metal's Valet

Nanyzh Rock - Heavy Metal's Valet

This lovely young lady is Nanyzh Rock.
So far, Nanyzh has only been the valet of luchador Heavy Metal.
However, at Verano de Escándalo on July 31st, 2011 at the Plaza Nuevo Progreso in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, during the match between Samoa Joe, Silver King and Ultimo Gladiador versus Drago, Electroshock and Heavy Metal, Nanyzh and Jennifer Blake (the valet of La Sociedad) went at each other.
So you never know, she may just wind up in the ring.

Here is the best video I could find of here so far.
Acting in her usual role as valet to Heavy Metal.
(Jump to about 1:00 in)

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